Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Decision Points - A Book Review -


Georges W. Bush

A very detailed account of some of the major decisions President G.W. Bush made during his 8 years in the white house. A candid, autobiographic, straightforward recounting of what he did, how and why he came to make the decisions he did. He never responded to the vociferous criticism, mud slinging, denigrating and downright insults. That is he never did as the President of the United States of America. He still doesn't take on the vitriol hurled at him to this day, he simply gives his side of the story. An point of view, only he can give. Answers straight from "The Horse's Mouth". A very interesting book that gives some perspective on the most eventful 8 years in America's History since the Time of President Lincoln. 
Regardless of your philosophical, political or religious penchant, you owe to yourself to get G.W. Bush own version of the story. The entire world has heard all the possible motivations for his actions during those intense 8 years, but it is at best 2nd hand hearsay, at worst conspiracy theorist foaming-at-the-mouth mumbo jumbo. Whether you believe any of it or not, even if you have already made up your mind about that portion of the world history at the dawn of the 3rd millennium, the first decade of the 21st century, you owe it to yourself to at least read in his own words, the version of the Man who was at the helm of the country at the center of these world changing events. You may not change your mind about all that transpire or even about G.W. B, but at least you'll have learned another version, another side of the story, opposite to what has been published and broadcasted so far.  An opened and astute mind should prefer to broaden its perspective on a particular subject of interest. Reading this book, is one step, among very many, in that direction.

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